Friday, May 19, 2006
The walls aren't fully painted yet and I still have some furniture to move around a bit, but we've moved on over to I still need to connect it up with the rest of my site, but that is where I will be posting photos from now on.
Monday, May 15, 2006
We'll be moving soon
I haven't been posting as much in the past week or so for a couple reasons. 1. It has been raining for about a week straight. 2. I am working on moving this blog to my server and using a different format. This was a quick and easy tool to get me up and running but I'd like the blog to mimic my website and be more a part of it. I've had my work online as more of a "permament collection" for a while now at and I am working to incorporate my blog life into that website. Right now I am doing dual updates as I work out the kinks but you can expect a move within a week or so tops... hopefully.
Baby Robins

These Robin chicks are in a nest on my brother's boat trailer. The mother was in a nearby tree, worm in mouth when I shot this photo. She started squawking at me so I went and sat in my car and watched her feed them. I didn't have my D70s with me, so I couldn't capture the feeding.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Dancing Grass

It's still cold at night sometimes around these parts and that makes for some nice dewy grass in the morning.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Whale Week

What better way to draw Whale Week to a close than with the classic flukes shot? The underside of the humpback whale tail carries a distinct white pattern, and can be used to identify them the same as human fingerprints. I am kind of bummed that Whale Week draws to a close today. This has been a fun week, posting these photos that I am really excited about having shot. The whole "theme week" isn't something I really thought much about when i started this blog, but I might do something like this again in the near future. It's nice to see a progression, and not post everything in one day like i have in weeks past.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Whale Week

It is an amazing feeding synergy that has evolved between the seagulls and humpback whales. Mostly benefitting from the relationship are the seagulls, of course, but their interaction and lack of fear of each other is astonishing.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Whale Week

As the bubble cloud reaches the surface, the humpback whale appears from below, collecting water in it's mouth during its ascent to feed on the krill and other tiny food. Seagulls swarm the area, hoping to snatch some unlucky fish off the surface of the water as this giant creature forces the water back out through its baleen, filtering out its meal.